Tuesday, February 19, 2008

bored and wasting time

Here I sit, wasting yet another Tuesday evening. I often wonder why the ACU Social Work department manages to place the most boring classes during the evenings. "Research Methods for Social Work" is the title of the course. It has turned me to conduct a bit of my own online research of church/friend blogs, potential internships, and job opportunities for the future (in social work of course). Therefore, I feel as though I am staying the course. This is appropriate justification, right?

I found out tonight that, though I have never met him, Larry James is one of my heroes. Check out his blog and see what's going on in community redevelopment in Central Dallas. It's pretty inspiring to see the needs of our own backyards and how so many have risen to the occasion of extending hope to a city. Again, I am revisiting question I've so often asked..."Why have I never contributed to the work of Central Dallas Ministries?" Maybe you have a thorn of question such as this sticking into your side. I think I'll pursue CDM as a potential site for my internship next Spring.

I also visited the website for Teach for America. This organization gives young people the chance to change the lives of inner-city and underprivileged youth around the country. Upon graduating from college, you live and teach in a community that are in need of increasing education potential. Americorps takes care of setting you up with housing, finances, schools, and subjects. I think this is truly a great opportunity to make a mark on the world. Maybe I can do this for a while instead of grad school. (Especially since the professor talking in class right now is currently motivating me to drop out of school altogether...or at least for the night, haha).

In other areas of my life:

  • Still taking 16 hours. Thoroughly enjoying most of them, with the exception of Research and Practicum Seminar. We're talking about "atonement theory" (the how's and reasons for being saved) in my Bible class that's really blowing my mind. I am becoming interested in art history (my 8 o'clock class)...why is that?
  • Still banking 12 hours per week at the Mental Health internship. Today I went to the Juvenile Detention Center. Last week I went on some home visits. I'm still learning al ot, though also realizing I would rather be doing some ministry with this social work stuff.
  • Still working at the Friendship House. The Fletcher's (the family that currently live there and operate it) are in their transition "out" of the house. It's kind of sad and weird. I'm prayerful that I will still be used and feel a part of this ministry after they leave. The kids are still crazy as ever and seem to love being around. I started leading a bible study for the teens on Tuesday afternoons. They write in journals and spill out their thoughts each week. It's intense.
  • I have recently begun co-leading a small group (Lifegroup) that'll begin meeting at my casa next Sunday for food, discussion, and prayer time. Again, great experiences in discipleship.
  • I'm looking at getting a puppy (newborn lab). I think it's a great idea. I have always wanted a dog, though it will take a lot of work to train it at first. I think I'll name it Toby if I get it.
  • Me and 4 other guys are headed to Arizona in 3 weeks for Spring Break. We finally get to have a real road trip. We're going to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and doing some cool recreation activities in the city we're staying in. I'm stoked! (and will be broke after).
  • I don't know if I mentioned this last time, but I'm directing VBS at Impact in Houston this summer. I can't wait to do it. I hope that some of the kiddos remember me. We'll see.
That's all (and wayyyy to much for now). Hope you have a peaceful day!


Larry James said...

Hey, man, we'd love to talk to you about an internship at CDM when it fits your schedule and academic program. Just let me know!

Jeremy Gregg said...

Glad you found Larry's blog! We'd be glad to have you at CDM.

Jeremy Gregg
Director of Development
Central Dallas Ministries

Wes and Ellen said...

Did you get a haircut?


Melissa said...

I am going to start reading your blog again, I should start blogging again. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!