Friday, March 14, 2008

Viva Las Vegas!

Today, 3 of my roommates and another friend and I are packing up the car to head to the great states of Arizona and Nevada for Spring Break. I do love the American West. It could not come at a better time. We're spending a few relaxing and adventurous days in Sedona where there are bike trails, hiking trails, and some beautiful scenery!

While we're there, we'll hit up the trails (we're taking 5 bikes!), spend some time outdoors, go see the majesty of the Grand Canyon, head to Phoenix to see the Rangers play a Spring Training game, and finally, head to Las Vegas for a night on the town! \

We are stoked and cannot wait. We'll be on the road today for about 14 hours, so pray that God watches over us and keeps us safe. I hope each and every one of you has a relaxing and FUN break as we will also!



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