Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Management as Ministry

It is my belief that not very often do people find it romantic to relate organizational administration with the workings of God. However, the past couple years have offered a bit of insight regarding the whole concept of integrating faith and action. Since the time my eyes were opened to the vast needs of individuals in this world, I have found myself swept up in a relentless call to do something about it. This is tough, because I distinctly remember the urgency and passion that hit me all at once, but I had no idea how this was going to happen or by what vehicle God had in mind for such a desire to be executed into action. What's a guy to do with a good heart and a passion, but lacking in direction?

Last week I had the blessing of attending several lectures that pricked at my heart. The theme verse comes from Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." This automatically put me in an exciting state because it encompasses so much of what I have been trying to understand about God's design for your life and for mine. I have often placed too much weight on the specifics when God is asking for the common. It's so easy to get caught up in a frivolous interrogation of what exactly God would desire of me, but Micah puts it simply!

It's such a beautiful opportunity to see what we do each day in the light of God or as my freshman Bible professors used to say "with Kingdom eyes!". Lectureship helped me see how each of our desires, our gifts, our passions can be effectively used by God if we're willing to submit those to Him, for Him. Praise God for the blessing of being used by Him in an infinite amount of ways!